The past & future of queer First Nations and Black writers
Saturday 5 November 2022
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm - Pharmacy Lecture Theatre, University of Sydney
Unlimited Futures is an anthology of speculative, visionary fiction from emerging and established First Nations and Black writers. We bring together the anthology's queer contributors to reflect on visionary pasts, hopeful futures and the invisible ties between First Nations and Black people.

Ellen van Neerven (they/them) is an award-winning author, editor and educator of Mununjali (Yugambeh language group) and Dutch heritage. They write fiction, poetry, and non-fiction on unceded Turrbal and Yuggera land. van Neerven’s first book, Heat and Light (UQP, 2014), a novel-in-stories, was the recipient of the David Unaipon Award, the Dobbie Literary Award and the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards Indigenous Writers Prize. van Neerven’s poetry collection Comfort Food (UQP, 2016) won the Tina Kane Emergent Award and was shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards Kenneth Slessor Prize. Throat (UQP, 2020), the recipient of Book of the Year, the Kenneth Slessor Prize and the Multicultural Award at 2021 NSW Literary Awards and the inaugural Quentin Bryce Award, is now available. They are the editor of three collections, including the recent Homeland Calling: Words from a New Generation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voices and is the co-editor of Unlimited Futures with Sudanese writer Rafeif Ismail.

Tuesday Atzinger Tuesday Atzinger is a poet and emerging writer. Their work explores and celebrates Afro-blackness, queerness, disability and feminism. They peddle in discomfort and their primary goal is to fling words together to make you squirm. They have performed spoken word with Quippings for the Melbourne Writers Festival and were a part of ACNH Fringe at Melbourne Fringe 2020. When they aren’t feverishly building a lexicon of words that rhyme, they can be found online, using Twitter badly. They live and work on the unceded lands of the Wurundjeri Peoples of the Kulin Nations.